Possession of Drugs Charges in Oakville

Facing charges for possessing drugs might mean you have to pay fines or even spend time in jail. This guide describes the primary information you have to know on the subject, including some aspects of drug possession laws in Oakville and why lawyers can help you.

Possession of Drugs Charges Iin Oakville

What Is a Possession Charge?

Also known as unlawful possession, it refers to possessing something illegal for you to have. The most common types include drugs, weapons, and stolen goods possession, and each of these categories is divided into various degrees of charges.

Drug Possession Laws

Most laws that work today were signed in the 1980s, and they focused on creating different sentences depending on various factors, for example, the type of drug you possess, the amount of it you have, and so on.

To be convicted of possession, the court must prove that you possess a drug and that you knew beyond a reasonable doubt that said drug was an illegal substance.

In some cases, for example, people accused of drug possession are unaware of the fact that they had the drug in question. Even though this is rare, it can occur, so hiring a lawyer is essential.

On most occasions, the court might charge you either with simple possession or with possession with the intent to distribute. The second case carries heavier sentences since it often involves the person having more drugs.

Crimes and Charges

If you face simple possession charges, it means that authorities found you with drugs intended for personal use.

Possession with intent to distribute, on the other hand, is often a much more serious issue, and in many cases. People often refer to this as ‘drug dealing.’ If you are convicted of this, it means authorities might have found multiple drug packages, scales, or other paraphernalia to facilitate drug selling.

Punishment and Sentencing Guidelines

The punishment you get for drug possession can vary widely depending on the amount of drug you were carrying, whether the authorities prove the intent of distribution or not, your criminal record, and more.

Although it varies by province, simple possession can represent fines that range from $30 to $20,000 and prison sentences can go from 15 days to 10 years.

Additionally, you should also keep in mind that the type of drug you carry also affects the punishment you get. Possessing marijuana beyond personal use, for example, often represents a lesser punishment than having narcotics, heroin, or cocaine.

Finally, to determine your sentence, authorities must abide by different guidelines, including your age, criminal records, any previous offences, the amount of drugs you have, and all contributing factors.

Call FMK Law Group Today

There are many lawyers out there, but not all of them can provide you with top-quality assistance. The attorneys at FMK Law Group in Oakville and Surrounding cities are passionate and experienced professionals, ready to defend you if you are charged with possession of drugs.

If you have been charged with possession of drugs in Oakville, it is essential to speak to an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. The FMK Law Group can provide the legal advice and representation you need to protect your rights and defend your case.