Burlington Harassment Defence Lawyer

Harassment is one of the most common issues of law, which is one of the reasons that it’s so difficult to deal with. Depending on your jurisdiction, the legal stance on harassment and the associated sanctions are usually pretty solid in Burlington.

However, for them to work, an appropriate legal proceeding must be carried out for action against the defendant. What you may notice, though, is that it may not be handled on the same kind of scale as another crime, such as aggravated assault or child luring.

Depending on the kind of behaviour, it could be handled in a civil court, and the police may not necessarily even get involved. That rule is not absolute, so the aim here is to give you a peek into what harassment looks like so you can identify it and take the appropriate action in Burlington.

Harassment Defence Lawyer In Burlington

What Harassment May Look Like

First, as hard as it may be to say, the more minor forms of harassment may not be constituted as a crime at all. However, when it crosses certain lines, such as the demonstration of a clear intent to cause harm, inciting fear, or consistently and unfairly targeting someone, legal action could likely be taken.

Though workplace harassment is extremely common, people in your personal life could be the offenders, too. For example, it’s very common for disgruntled ex-spouses to create the problem.

Additionally, harassment can take on many forms. There is stalking, sexual harassment, threatening, etc. Harassment may go beyond the point of talk, seeing harm or damage being done to the victim’s person or property.

Depending on the extent of such an action, the charges laid against the defendant could be coupled with others, such as malicious destruction of property.

The Challenge with Harassment in Burlington

The overarching theme that has likely been conveyed thus far is that although harassment can be identifiable, it is not always legally classified as a criminal offence. This is where the true challenge in prosecuting such a crime arises. The spectrum of behaviours ranging from mild to severe that can be considered harassment is quite extensive.

What might cause you mental distress and be perceived as harassment by you may not necessarily fall under the legal purview of Burlington’s specific statutes.

Furthermore, many behaviours falling under the harassment category have become normalized in various contexts, such as workplaces in Burlington. Consequently, you may be experiencing hardship without realizing that you may indeed have a valid case of harassment under Burlington’s legal framework.

The Right Action To Take in Burlington

Civil or criminal courts may handle harassment hearings, depending on the circumstances involved. Note, however, that it’s very common for these cases to be tackled in the civil court first and potentially move to the criminal court afterwards.

Most commonly, a civil order is handed down, and a violation becomes a criminal matter.

It’s always a good idea to retain the services of an expert attorney to navigate this slippery slope even if not a criminal charge, your lawyer can potentially help you to file for some kind of a protective measure, such as a restraining order.

When it gets to the criminal stage, you can have adequate support to ensure that the defendant faces the full extent of the law.

Conversely, you may be defending yourself against a harassment claim in Burlington. If that describes you or a loved one, you could be drowning in hot water without adequate representation.

Regardless of which side of the coin you fall on, you are highly encouraged to seek out the services of the professional team at FMK Law Group in Burlington as soon as possible.

Call FMK Law Group Today

If you face harassment offences in Burlington or surrounding cities, you need an experienced and passionate lawyer. The attorneys at FMK Law Group have a proven track record of successfully defending clients against harassment charges in Burlington. 

We will work tirelessly to protect your rights and get you the best possible outcome in your case.