Threats Charges Lawyer in Oakville
Even if the right to free speech is constitutionally protected, it is not absolute. The law has long recognized specific constraints on speech, such as prohibitions against defamation and libel.
In some cases, such as when making criminal threats, speech can even be considered a crime. When someone threatens to kill or physically hurt another person, this is characterized as a criminal threat.
A criminal threat occurs when a person threatens to kill, physically harm, or damage property. FMK Law Group has the best defence Threats Charges Lawyer in Oakville.

A criminal threat occurs when one person threatens another with bodily harm. The threat must be communicated in some fashion, but it does not need to be spoken. A threat can be sent via email, text, or nonverbal body language such as gestures and motions.
However, certain governments demand written or vocal threats, and in those provinces, these gestures are insufficient to constitute a criminal threat.
Fear and Intent
Such threats are made to put someone in danger of injury or death. However, it is not required for a victim to feel fear or terror. It’s the purpose of the individual who makes the threat that counts. The facts surrounding the case usually determine the intent of a person who makes these threats.
You cannot make a criminal threat if such a threat is unclear or irrational. The threat must make those who hear it feel as if they might be hurt; it should be believable, accurate, and imminent.
If you threaten to blow up the world unless your bartender brings you your drink right away, for example, no sensible person will believe you. However, if you walk into a business with a pistol and threaten to shoot the boss unless she gets you a refund, your threat is believable and specific.
In some provinces, the offence of assault is substantially similar to the offence of criminal threats. A person commits an assault when he or she either attempts to harm another person physically or uses threats of violence.
To perpetuate an assault, words alone are generally inadequate, and some form of physical assault is usually required. Threatening to punch someone, for example, is usually not considered an assault. Making threats and then approaching the person in a threatening manner, on the other hand, is considered assault. As a result, what one jurisdiction considers a criminal threat may be categorized as an assault in another.
Prison: Anyone guilty of a criminal threat can receive a lengthy prison sentence. A conviction can put you in jail for a year or, if deemed more severe- up to five years. Moreover, a terrorist threat might result in a sentence that lasts decades.
Fines: The fine for making criminal threats varies by province and case facts.
Probation: Probation may be imposed on someone guilty of making criminal threats. Such an act usually lasts for a year, during which you must follow specific probation rules. Holding employment, asking the court or your probation officer for permission before moving or leaving the province, and not committing any additional crimes are all common conditions.
Call FMK Law Group Today
If you are facing threats charges in Oakville or the surrounding cities, you need a lawyer who is experienced and passionate about defending their clients. The attorneys at FMK Law Group in Oakville are here to help you.
We understand that threat charges can be severe, and we will work tirelessly to protect your rights and interests.
- Call us for a FREE Consultation
- (647) 269-8414