Sexual Offences Lawyer barmpton, ON | Criminal Lawyer Brampton

Are You Looking For Brampton  Sexual Offences Lawyer Who Will Fight To Protect Your Rights?

Being charged with sexual Offence is a very serious criminal offence. This type of crime includes crimes of a sexual nature, including rape. Sexual assault Brampton is generally defined as the use or threatened use of force against another, either directly or indirectly, without their consent, where the assault is sexual. 

If you’re in Brampton, ON, and confronting allegations like criminal sexual Offence, Harassment, Child luring, or Sexual Exploitation, having a skilled and dedicated legal team by your side is crucial. Look no further than FMK Law Group.

Our team of Brampton criminal lawyers is unwavering in their commitment to safeguarding your rights and ensuring your perspective is heard every step of the legal journey. 

While our criminal sexual Offence services are centred in Brampton, ON, we extend our representation to clients across the Greater Toronto Region, encompassing areas such as Oakville, Mississauga, Milton, and Burlington.

Sexual Offences Lawyer In Brampton

Sexual Offences in Brampton, Ontario

In Brampton, ON, Sexual offences are a broad category of illegal acts that violate another person’s sexual autonomy and integrity. This encompasses a wide range of behaviours, including non-consensual acts like rape and sexual assault, child sexual abuse, exploitation, and grooming, and offences involving coercion, deception, or power imbalances.

It’s important to remember that consent is central to understanding sexual offences. Any sexual act without freely given, enthusiastic consent or when consent is compromised due to factors like intoxication, disability, or age is considered an offence.

The severity of these offences varies depending on the specific act, the age and vulnerability of the victim, and the presence of aggravating factors like violence or threats.

Criminal Code Of Canada

Section 265 of the Criminal Code of Canada defines the offences of assault and sexual assault.

  1. without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly;
  2. he attempts or threatens, by an act or a gesture, to apply force to another person if he has, or causes that other person to believe on reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to effect his purpose or
  3. while openly wearing or carrying a weapon or an imitation thereof, he accosts or impedes another person or begs.

No consent is obtained where the complainant submits or does not resist because of the following:

  1. the application of force to the complainant or a person other than the complainant;
  2. threats or fear of applying force to the complainant or someone other than the complainant.
  3. fraud or deception
  4. the exercise of authority

Sexual Assault – Sentences & Punishments in Brampton, ON

The penalties for sexual assault can vary depending on the severity of the offence and the age of the victim. In Brampton, ON, sexual assault is classified as either a summary conviction or an indictable offence. Summary convictions are less severe crimes and carry a maximum penalty of 18 months in jail. Indictable offences are more severe and have a maximum penalty of 10 years.

In addition to jail time, individuals convicted of sexual assault may also be placed on the sex offender registry. The sex offender registry is a public database that lists the names and addresses of individuals who have been convicted of sexual offences. Being placed on the sex offender registry can have a significant impact on a person’s life, making it difficult to find employment, housing, and education.

Why Consent Is Vital to Sexual Assault Cases in Brampton, Ontario

Consent is a crucial element in determining whether or not sexual assault has occurred. Authorities must carefully assess whether consent was freely given and whether the alleged victim was legally capable of providing consent.

Apart from the legal age of consent, there are situations where individuals, even if they have reached the age, are considered incapable of giving legal consent. These include instances where the individual is:

  1. Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  2. Mentally or physically disabled
  3. In a position of authority or trust
  4. Unconscious or asleep

Consent is an ongoing process, not a one-time agreement. It is crucial to remember that someone’s consent to engage in sexual activity once does not imply their perpetual consent for all future encounters. Just as consent can be freely given, it can also be withdrawn without explanation or justification. 

Why Hire Our Trusted Criminal Lawyer Brampton, ON for Criminal Sexual Offence Charges?

Facing sexual offences charges in Brampton, ON, requires skilled legal representation. FMK Law Group is renowned for defending clients effectively in such cases.

Fadi Matthew, a proficient criminal defence lawyer in Brampton, ON, is dedicated to advocating for you. With his expertise in sexual offence cases and deep criminal law knowledge, trust Fadi Matthew to secure the best outcome for you. 

Contact our Criminal Lawyer in Brampton, ON, for expert assistance.

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