Theft Charges Lawyer in Oakville
Charges, sentencing, and penalties for theft can range from simple to severe, depending on the case. A theft charges lawyer in Oakville is best to get legal defence.
This article explains the primary aspects you must remember if authorities charge you with this – read until the end and learn the different types of charges, sentences, and penalties you might have to face in Oakville.

What Are Theft Charges?
To understand theft charges, you need to know the definition of theft first. It consists of unlawfully taking something that belongs to someone else. In most law systems, theft is divided into different categories.
Thus, theft charges involve authorities proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the person took something that belonged to someone else. The punishment the accused person gets depends on what they stole, and common sentences can include fines, parole, or spending time in jail.
Different Types of Theft Charges in Oakville
When you are charged with theft, various factors might influence your penalty. Thus, a detail that appears to be insignificant could be the difference between paying a fine and spending time in prison.
Additionally, there are many types of theft charges in Oakville, but the following examples are the most common ones:
Identity Theft Charges
Since personal information is so easy to obtain nowadays, identity theft is one of the most common examples of this crime.
Unlike identity theft, robbery refers to using force or violence to steal someone else’s possessions. Considering that it often involves weapons or threats of violence, it often involves more severe penalties than other types of charges.
Fraud Theft Charges
Fraud refers to counterfeiting, lying on tax forms, or getting involved in embezzlement to get other people’s money. This form of theft is considered a ‘white-collar crime’ because it doesn’t involve violence, and in many cases, it happens through business deals.
Sentencing and Penalties
Even though the previously mentioned divisions are a way to understand theft charges, authorities can also classify these as ‘petty,’ ‘grand,’ or ‘federal grand’ theft.
The sentence you get depends on what the authorities think of your case with regard to the evidence. On some occasions, for example, if you face petty theft charges, you might have to pay a specified minimum fee that depends on your province.
Should You Hire a Lawyer in Oakville?
Facing theft charges is immensely complicated since even the smallest details could make the difference between the penalties you get. Therefore, hiring a legal expert is vital since they can defend you and guarantee that you have the best outcomes possible.
Find Legal Assistance Soon
FMK Law Group is available with experienced lawyers in Oakville and surrounding cities who can evaluate your case and help you face theft charges, regardless of the type of crime you’re accused of. To schedule an appointment, call soon!
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